Sponsor a Project
Sponsor a project in East Africa and change lives. Projects start at only $500
$12,000 – Deep Drilled School Well
Our Hydro-Geologist will perform a Geo-survey locating the best spot for drilling a deep well
(200 meters). After striking the aquifer our crew will line the well with double casing and install a pump.
$7,000 – Traditional School Well
We will dig a well up to 60 feet deep using picks, shovels, even jackhammers! Often, there is plenty of ground water within 60 feet of the surface. Before the motorized drill rig was invented, every well in the world was hand dug
$3,000 – Artesian Village Spring Well
We will dig into the source of the surface-breaking aquifer and build a boxed area that will function as a filter, attracting particulates. After sealing that box underground, a pipe is inserted and concrete is poured to protect the surrounding area allowing for safe clean water collection.
$1,500 – Gutter & Tanks Rain Harvest
Some schools are located in areas where ground water is not present. The best solution we have for those unfortunate campuses is rain water harvesting. Gutters are installed with pipes directing this precious commodity into large catchment tanks—usually 10,000 liters.
$1,500 – Steel Tower & Tank Water Distribution
For projects where a deep drilled well has an abundance of water, a tower will allow for gravity fed distribution to neighboring properties. Often there is an orphanage, clinic or school nearby that can benefit from a single deep drilled well. A steel tower and tank make that possible.
$1500 – Motorcycle for Local Staff
Our staff travel all over these under-developed dirt roads to villages and schools to teach hygiene, dig wells, protect springs and show the Jesus Film. Purchasing a motorcycle is simply out of their reach. The alternative is to bicycle!